Credit Recovery vs. Georgia Virtual School

While Georgia Credit Recovery and Georgia Virtual School are housed under the same Georgia Virtual Learning umbrella, they are two separate entities with notable differences.
Please see the table below for a comparison of the two programs:

  Credit Recovery  GAVS
All first-time enrollments are free to all public school students. 
Should a re-enrollment be required, a $25 fee will be incurred. 
Fees are waived if students are withdrawn within 5 school days from the date of enrollment.

PRIVATE SCHOOLS:  All enrollments are $100 per 1/2 credit. Re-enrollments are also $100 per 1/2 credit.
FTE or tuition based. 

Available to public, private, and homeschool students.
Instructional Model Teacher-less instruction consisting of video presentations, review assignments, web-based learning activities, and unit assessments.              Teacher-led instruction using asynchronous online courses.
Availability Coursework may be completed in school or outside the normal school day.
Yes. Students generally complete the course(s) during the normal school day.
Completion Time Students have approximately 26 weeks from the date of enrollment to complete the course.
Courses are completed within a standard school semester. Four start dates are available to students.
Grade Reported on Transcript Yes. The local credit recovery site coordinator retrieves the grade from the course and submits for inclusion on student’s transcript. This grade is in addition to the previous grade, not in place of it.  Yes. Local school facilitator gathers student grades electronically and submits them to school records personnel.
Testing Requirements All courses include a final exam or GA Milestone EOC (end-of-course-test). EOCs for required courses must be administered by the school system for all public school students. 

Private school students must take the final exam in the credit recovery course.
All courses include a final exam. GA Milestone EOCs (end-of-course-tests) for required courses must be administered by the school system at the end of each semester.
Registration Students create a credit recovery account. The credit recovery site coordinator must then enroll students in the necessary course.  Students self-register for a GAVS account and apply for their courses. 

Local school facilitators approve students and designate payment (FTE, students will pay, School pay) options.